Australian Orthoptic Journal
The Australian Orthoptic Journal publishes articles on all areas of the field within which orthoptists work. This includes areas of orthoptic clinical practice such as strabismus, amblyopia, ocular motility and binocular vision anomalies; low vision and rehabilitation; paediatric ophthalmology; neuro-ophthalmology; general ophthalmology, ophthalmic technology; and public health agenda.
Authors: Zeeshaan Daruwalla BOrth&OphthSc, Meri Vukicevic BOrth PhD, Konstandina Koklanis BOrth PhD, Nandor Jaross FRANZCO PhD
Authors: Konstandina Koklanis BOrth(Hons) PhD, Danielle Thorburn BOrth PGDipHlthResMeth, Meri Vukicevic BOrth PhD
Effective Use of 2RT® Nanosecond Laser for the Treatment of Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
Authors: Matthew Papuga BAppSc MOrth, Meri Vukicevic BOrth PhD, Nandor Jaross MD FRANZCO PhD
Authors: Jaimee Barclay BAppSc MOrth, Amanda Moore BAppSc MOrth
Authors: Danika Corless BAppSc MOrth, Linda Malesic PhD, Konstandina Koklanis PhD

Orthoptics Australia (OA) is the national organisation representing members in all states of Australia as well as members from other countries, including New Zealand, United Kingdom, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. OA strives to promote and advance the discipline of orthoptics in public hospitals and ophthalmology practices, and to actively seek and implement career and work benefits and opportunities for its members.